Save the Date! CCFoPH Recognition Lunch
April 29, 11:30-1:00
Registration Continues for Coos County Odyssey 2025. It’s not too late!
Travel around Coos County, Oregon in this fourth virtual odyssey that will take you through many unique and interesting locations in the county. This year’s event is 253 miles, with 25 milestones to earn badges. As a participant, you can exercise in a number of different ways to earn miles on the virtual platform. Form teams and compete with and motivate your friends and family to start the year off right, achieving your fitness goals, while helping Coos County Families in Need. The Coos County Friends of Public Health (CCFoPH) is hosting this event to raise money for The Nurses’ Purse fund.
The Nurses’ Purse is a discretionary fund which can be accessed by public health nurses at Coos Health & Wellness to help families in need with essentials such as food, winter clothing, infant care, and payment of medical bills for the uninsured. The relatively small assistance from this fund can help families overcome what seem to be insurmountable obstacles to their health and wellbeing.
Order your Coos County Odyssey 2025 t-shirts and gifts

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The money from your donated bottles and cans will go to the Nurses’ Purse, which is a discretionary fund that can be accessed by public health nurses at Coos Health & Wellness. The Nurses’ Purse fund helps families in need with essentials such as food, clothing, infant care, and payment of medical bills for the uninsured. The relatively small assistance from this fund can help a family overcome what seems to be an insurmountable obstacle to their health and wellbeing.
To promote health in Coos County through enhancement of local public health services.
The Coos County Friends of Public Health (CCFoPH) is a non-profit 501c3 organization supporting services to people in our community through Coos Health & Wellness. These services include the promotion of healthy families through programs such as the WIC nutrition program, and Babies First! / Parents As Teachers home visiting services; clinic services such as immunizations, and reproductive health services; and educational projects and activities.
Purpose of the Friends of Public Health
To promote an understanding of the public health needs of communities in Coos County, including vulnerable populations, and the availability of services to address those needs;
To increase community collaboration to achieve public health goals and to provide public health services;
To encourage volunteer involvement in local public health activities;
To educate about public health issues; and
To generate resources in fulfillment of our mission. Membership dues, and individual and corporate donations sustain CCFoPH, and enable us to raise funds, and receive grants for projects and programs which are administered through Coos Health & Wellness.
Be a Friend of Coos County Public Health.
Your support through your dollars and volunteer time help us make a difference in the health of our
communities in Coos County.
Members can participate in public health events, support our public health program and be part of the
board and other important committees that support the work of the CCFoPH.
Members receive a quarterly newsletter to keep up to date on all that the Friends are doing.
Join Coos County Friends of Public Health
Members receive bulletins about important public health issues and events, through email and Facebook. As a member, you can learn about current public health issues and concerns.
Site Updated 2/19/2024