Coos County Health Rankings
A website that shows what we know about and can do to make our county a healthier place to live.

Coos County Public Health Annual Reports

Restaurant Inspection Scores Available

Online Inspection Reports
To review inspection reports for a licensed facility in Coos County follow the instructions below:
1. On the inspection report home page you can scroll between these inspection categories:
• Restaurant Inspections
• Hotel/Motel Inspections
• Recreational Water Inspections
• Recreational Water Inspections
• Organizational Camp Inspections
2. Find the category of interest, and use the mouse to select “View Facilities” and you will then see facilities listed by name with the address.
3. Skim through the list and find the facility.
4. Use the mouse to select the facility and you will see a list of inspections ordered by date.
5. Use the mouse to select an inspection and a page will open showing general information about the inspection.
6. To see any issues that were noted during the inspection use the mouse and select the tab titled “Violations.”